Category: Internet of Things

Cisco Radio Aware Routing

Cisco Radio Aware Routing addresses several of the challenges faced when merging IP routing and radio communications in mobile networks, especially those exhibiting ad hoc (MANET) behavior. This technology has applications in the defense industry as well as state and local government for search and rescue, law enforcement, and disaster assessment. Looking at the Real-World […]

Cisco and Transport for NSW: Transforming the future of transportation

John JudgeCo-author, Cisco Innovation Lab Leader From congestion to road safety, to connected cars, to mobility-as-a-service (MaaS), and even post-pandemic changes in travel patterns, there are many challenges and changes happening in the world of transport. With these considerations and more, how does an agency take their existing infrastructure, assets, and services, and create a […]

Cisco Industrial Routers and 2G & 3G sunset

Cellular technology, evolving from 2G, 3G, 4G/LTE and now 5G, is one of the main pillars of industrial IoT networks. It enables connectivity with thousands of remote devices deployed in the field, across industries and use cases. Like any technology, cellular technology evolves over time as new releases of 3GPP specifications are developed, implemented by […]

Cisco IoT sweeps industry awards

When a movie wins an Academy Award, I know it excels in a certain way. When a movie wins in multiple categories—like Forrest Gump (six Oscars), One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (five Oscars), and Gone With the Wind (four Oscars)—we know it has widespread appeal. Red carpet for the internet of things I’m proud […]

IE Switching “Experience Matters”

In my first blog post on purpose built switches, I discussed the robust hardware design of our industrial ethernet switches that enables them to withstand harsh environments. In this blog, we will discuss frequently asked questions with the manager of the hardware team responsible for our robust hardware design. I have a lot of respect […]

Women on the verge of transformational leadership

When IBM launched its first women in leadership study in 2019, the research revealed a persistently glaring gender gap in the global workplace. At that time, only 18% of senior leadership positions worldwide were held by women. And only 12% of organizations surveyed were going above and beyond their peers to address it head on […]

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