Tag: authentication

Which AWS IoT device provisioning method should I use?

One of the first steps you come across when starting an Internet of Things (IoT) project is provisioning your IoT devices. This blog highlights the different provisioning methods you can use to connect your devices to AWS IoT Core. Device provisioning in AWS establishes the first trust relationship between device and AWS. During the provisioning […]

Enhancing IoT device security using Hardware Security Modules and AWS IoT Device SDK

Introduction Security of operations and security of data are among the top priorities of customers dealing with sensitive information or operating in highly regulated markets. Internet of Things (IoT) customers have the additional challenge of enabling high security standards for IoT communications to their cloud platforms. Data encryption with asymmetric algorithms and cryptographic keys are […]

Enable compliance and mitigate IoT risks with automated incident response

Introduction Internet of Things (IoT) devices can present unique security challenges ranging from malware, DDoS attacks, and logical or physical compromise. You can prepare for such events by having a process in place to mitigate these risks when they occur. The IoT Lens of the Well-Architected Framework provides high-level guidance on how to be prepared for […]

Integrating AWS IoT SiteWise and Fleet Hub with IAM Identity Center and Okta

Introduction Many organizations are using an external identity provider to manage user identities. With an identity provider (IdP), you can manage your user identities outside of AWS and give these external user identities permissions to use AWS resources in your AWS accounts. External identity providers (IdP), such as Okta Universal Directory, can integrate with AWS […]

Connect to remote devices using AWS IoT Secure Tunneling

Introduction When devices are deployed behind restricted firewalls at remote sites, you need a way to gain access to those devices for troubleshooting, configuration updates, and other operational tasks. This is where, secure tunneling, a feature of AWS IoT Device Management has been helping customers to do remote tasks. To help elevate customers even further, AWS has […]

Securing industrial networks can – and should – be simple

Implementing security inside the industrial network can be a daunting task. Security directives such as CISA’s Shields Up have caused more industrial organizations to assess their network posture and seek guidance to improve the protections of critical resources for business continuity. Upon seeking this guidance, many are left confused with terms such as Zero Trust […]

How to improve security at the edge with AWS IoT services

Introduction Edge computing, also known as fog computing and mobile computing, is a computing model that brings processing and data closer to the customer. By moving data closer to the customer, organizations need to review, and possibly expand, their security controls to ensure that their data is protected. In this blog I want focus on […]