Tag: compliance

Enable compliance and mitigate IoT risks with automated incident response

Introduction Internet of Things (IoT) devices can present unique security challenges ranging from malware, DDoS attacks, and logical or physical compromise. You can prepare for such events by having a process in place to mitigate these risks when they occur. The IoT Lens of the Well-Architected Framework provides high-level guidance on how to be prepared for […]

Improve your security posture with AWS IoT Device Defender direct integration with AWS Security Hub

Introduction We are excited to announce that AWS IoT Device Defender is now integrated with AWS Security Hub. This integration allows you to ingest alarms and their attributes from audit and detect features in one central location, without custom coding. This will help you offload or reduce complexity of managing disparate workflows from multiple security […]

Risk is not static: Exploring the implications of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

Regulatory landscape Across the globe, there are increasing regulatory requirements in place to address environmental, social and governance (ESG) actions needed to create a more sustainable world. While modern environmental regulations have been around for over half a century, we see increasing government actions addressing forced labor, unfair working conditions and modern slavery. These efforts […]

The Bridge to Secure Modern Port Operations

By Andy Stewart and Don Leyn At Cisco, deploying advanced cybersecurity capabilities goes in tandem with helping customers such as the U.S.’ and the world’s largest ports and terminals to implement digital business transformation and modernization.   Zero trust security for digitally enabled ports Keeping bulk cargo and shipping containers moving efficiently and safely at a port […]