Tag: enterprise software

Does Apple use CRM?

Is Apple utilizing customer relationship management (CRM) software? The answer is yes. Apple has employed a selection of different CRM systems throughout the years and continues to do so now. In this article, we will take a look at the types of CRM employed by Apple and how they are utilized to help the company […]

What will replace Salesforce?

Salesforce has been a go-to CRM platform for many businesses for years, but with the advancement of technology, there is a rising need for more robust and supple CRM solutions. Potential replacements for Salesforce that could take the lead as the top CRM platform include Microsoft Dynamics, SAP CRM, Oracle CRM On Demand, and SugarCRM. […]

Is CRM a front end?

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a term that’s used to describe the technology and processes used to manage customer interactions. It’s utilized by businesses to cultivate relationships with their clients and deliver them with a superior experience. But, is CRM a front end? The answer is, it depends. CRM can be used as a front […]