Tag: Network

Cloud to Edge for efficient, agile, and sustainable retail

Persistent volatility in the retail market is forcing businesses to re-evaluate how they address key challenges. Prebuilt, edge-to-cloud, retail-specific technology solutions can help retailers increase the value of their data, empower store associates, elevate customer shopping experiences, and enable real-time sustainable supply chains. Many retailers leverage Microsoft Cloud partners to get more insights out of […]

Which AWS IoT device provisioning method should I use?

One of the first steps you come across when starting an Internet of Things (IoT) project is provisioning your IoT devices. This blog highlights the different provisioning methods you can use to connect your devices to AWS IoT Core. Device provisioning in AWS establishes the first trust relationship between device and AWS. During the provisioning […]

Use AWS IoT Core MQTT broker with standard MQTT libraries

Introduction AWS IoT Core connects Internet of Things (IoT) devices to AWS IoT and other AWS services. Devices and clients can use the MQTT protocol to publish and subscribe to messages. MQTT libraries, such as the AWS IoT Device SDKs, include open-source libraries, developer guides with samples, and porting guides so that you can build innovative IoT […]

Connected Train: Simplifying the onboard network

  Listen to a narration of the blog on YouTube. In the first blog in this blog series I shared that passenger volumes for urban railways, automated people movers (APMs), and other forms of mass transit continue to grow. To satisfy increasing demand while meeting safety, passenger experience, and operational efficiency goals, rail operators are […]

Connected Trackside: Delivering resilience and security

  Listen to a narration of the blog on YouTube.   I recently shared some key trends and challenges rail operators are navigating, as well as Cisco’s approach to strengthening and securing onboard network infrastructure in this blog series. For this post, let’s explore the building blocks of modern trackside networks. As rail operators invest […]

Cisco announces first outdoor Wi-Fi 6E ready access point and enhancements for industrial remote operations

People expect seamless Wi-Fi – outdoors, walking across campus from buildings to parking lots, and everywhere in between. The same is true of industrial sites. Smooth operations require reliable wireless connectivity at the factory, into the warehouse, and across loading docks and ports. Machines need reliable, high bandwidth connectivity as businesses increase automation and connect […]

Cut through the noise: find the best fit for your industrial wireless needs

Wireless technologies have evolved significantly over the years. Wireless solutions used to be limited to sensing less-than-critical applications and connecting user devices. Nowadays, wireless technologies are able to support bandwidth-intensive worker productivity applications, reliable mobility for critical assets, increased data collection from all areas of the plant, and applications that boost operational efficiencies and production […]

Monitor AWS IoT connections in near-real time using MQTT LWT

In a connected device, you may need to monitor devices in near-real time to detect error and mitigate actions, Last Will and Testament (LWT) method for MQTT addresses this challenge. LWT is a standard method of MQTT protocol specification that allows to detect abrupt disconnects of devices and to notify other clients about this abrupt […]