Tag: Sensors

Enhancing IoT device security using Hardware Security Modules and AWS IoT Device SDK

Introduction Security of operations and security of data are among the top priorities of customers dealing with sensitive information or operating in highly regulated markets. Internet of Things (IoT) customers have the additional challenge of enabling high security standards for IoT communications to their cloud platforms. Data encryption with asymmetric algorithms and cryptographic keys are […]

Impacting Food Waste & Foodborne Illness with AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN Cold-Chain Sensors

Introduction Impacting Food Waste & Food-borne Illness with AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN Cold-Chain Sensors Innovative ideas and technologies allow us to improve the efficiency and safety of the food industry. In that sense, ConnectedFresh’s IoT solutions provide the ability to continuously monitor food temperatures throughout production, processing, transportation, and retailing. This blog will highlight […]