Tag: strategic planning

What is the main goal of a CRM?

The Main Goal of a CRM Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an essential tool for businesses that want to optimize their customer engagement processes. CRM is a system that allows companies to manage customer interactions, track customer data, and use that data to make informed decisions about their marketing and sales strategies. By utilizing a […]

What are the 3 primary goals for the CRM process?

Customer relationship management (CRM) is an essential business process for any company that wants to build strong customer relationships and increase customer loyalty. It involves a range of activities, from tracking customer interactions to developing strategies for customer retention. But what are the primary goals of the CRM process? In this article, we’ll explore the […]

What is CRM vs database?

When it comes to data storage and management, there is a lot of confusion over the differences between a customer relationship management (CRM) system and a database. On the surface, they appear to do the same thing: store and manage large amounts of data. However, they are two very distinct tools that each offer unique […]

For nearly two decades, IBM Consulting has helped power SingHealth’s digital transformation

The healthcare industry’s heavy reliance on legacy systems, regulation and security challenges makes the journey toward digital transformation a significant hurdle. We saw this during the COVID-19 pandemic as many large healthcare systems scrambled to integrate digital technology at speed. While many healthcare institutions were caught off guard, Singapore Health Services (SingHealth), whose mission is […]