Tag: Strategy

How do I know if my company needs a CRM?

As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to make your processes more efficient and drive sales. One of the best ways to do so is to implement a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. But how do you know if your company needs a CRM? In this article, we’ll take a look at the […]

How do you build a CRM step by step?

A customer relationship management (CRM) system is an essential tool for businesses of all sizes. It assists in keeping track of customer information, interactions, and analytics that can be utilized to enhance customer service and increase sales. Constructing a CRM system can be an intimidating task, but with the right steps, you can have it […]

Is CRM a non technical skill?

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a vital element of any business, allowing companies to create and maintain relationships with their customers. But is CRM a technical ability? The response to this inquiry isn’t in every case clear. On one side, CRM requires a comprehension of customer behavior, which can include technical information of data examination […]

What are the basics of CRM?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a system used to manage customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle, with the goal of improving business relationships with customers, assisting in customer retention and driving sales growth. CRM systems are designed to compile information on customers across different channels, including a company’s website, telephone, email, live chat, […]

What are the 5 phases of CRM?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a business strategy used to manage a company’s interactions with its customers. It is a way of organizing, automating, and synchronizing the sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support processes of a business. CRM is a tool to help businesses build relationships with customers and maximize customer satisfaction. CRM is […]

Deliver innovation that matters

Today’s business leaders find themselves in constant pursuit of innovation, but the best leaders understand that not all innovation is equal—in value or impact. As a consultant, I’ve spent many meetings listening to leaders enthusiastically share their innovation strategies. I hear them at every event and in every earnings report. And while an admirable cause, […]

Get more value from your data with a data transformation roadmap

Learn how you can monetize your data: So, how can you get the most value from your data? A knowledgeable and phased approach facilitates a smooth transition from legacy practices and products to processes that tap into the advantages of Canada’s data economy. Defining policies and roles, developing data-sharing control mechanisms, understanding existing and potential […]

Unlock More Career Opportunities With the Salesforce Strategy Designer Certification

What is strategy design?How does strategy design differ from user experience (UX) design?Salesforce Strategy Designer CertificationSkills needed to become a Salesforce Certified Strategy DesignerReady to get certified? Here’s how to get started!You got this, Trailblazer As the digital world continues to grow, companies are realizing more and more the importance of Salesforce skills, including admin, […]