Tag: task management

Is Jira an ERP?

Is Jira an ERP? Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are a must-have for many businesses, providing a comprehensive way to manage and integrate their operations. But is Jira, the popular project management and development platform, also an ERP? In this article, we’ll explore the features of Jira and compare it to an ERP system. We’ll […]

Is Jira a CRM system?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are essential for businesses to effectively manage their customer relationships. But is Jira one of these CRM tools? This article explores the answer to this question. Jira is a comprehensive project management and issue tracking tool developed by Atlassian. It is used by many teams around the world to keep […]

Is Gmail a CRM?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an important asset for all businesses, regardless of size. It is used to monitor, store and oversee interactions with customers, prospects, partners and vendors. These interactions can range from sales, marketing and customer service activities. Though many companies use CRM software to manage their customer data, can Gmail do the […]

Want To Win at Hybrid Work? Get These Three Things Right

Hybrid work has existed long enough, and in large enough numbers, that researchers have identified why some organizations are more successful with it than others. It comes down to three things: tools, training, and team building.  Pre-pandemic, only 8% of the 60 million U.S workers whose jobs could be done remotely worked exclusively at home, […]