Category: Internet of Things

Integrating AWS IoT SiteWise and Fleet Hub with IAM Identity Center and Okta

Introduction Many organizations are using an external identity provider to manage user identities. With an identity provider (IdP), you can manage your user identities outside of AWS and give these external user identities permissions to use AWS resources in your AWS accounts. External identity providers (IdP), such as Okta Universal Directory, can integrate with AWS […]

Impacting Food Waste & Foodborne Illness with AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN Cold-Chain Sensors

Introduction Impacting Food Waste & Food-borne Illness with AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN Cold-Chain Sensors Innovative ideas and technologies allow us to improve the efficiency and safety of the food industry. In that sense, ConnectedFresh’s IoT solutions provide the ability to continuously monitor food temperatures throughout production, processing, transportation, and retailing. This blog will highlight […]

Improve your security posture with AWS IoT Device Defender direct integration with AWS Security Hub

Introduction We are excited to announce that AWS IoT Device Defender is now integrated with AWS Security Hub. This integration allows you to ingest alarms and their attributes from audit and detect features in one central location, without custom coding. This will help you offload or reduce complexity of managing disparate workflows from multiple security […]

Connect to remote devices using AWS IoT Secure Tunneling

Introduction When devices are deployed behind restricted firewalls at remote sites, you need a way to gain access to those devices for troubleshooting, configuration updates, and other operational tasks. This is where, secure tunneling, a feature of AWS IoT Device Management has been helping customers to do remote tasks. To help elevate customers even further, AWS has […]

Reduce building maintenance costs with AWS IoT TwinMaker Knowledge Graph

Introduction The shift from in office work to hybrid and fully remote work is causing revenue and valuation pressure on commercial building owners. As a result, building managers are exploring ways to optimize their expenses by reducing maintenance costs while still providing a premier tenant experience. Building managers are responsible for maintenance and providing a […]

Introducing new MQTTv5 features for AWS IoT Core to help build flexible architecture patterns

Introduction We are excited to announce that AWS IoT Core now supports MQTTv5 features that help enhance communications of large-scale device deployments and innovate device messaging patterns. Customers who already have MQTTv3.1.1 deployments can make use of the new MQTTv5 features as AWS IoT Core provides seamless integration between both versions and supports heterogeneous deployments […]

Introducing the new AWS IoT Core Device Location feature to support Asset Tracking solutions

Introduction AWS IoT Core Device Location is a new managed feature of AWS IoT Core that enables customers to choose the appropriate location technology that works within their business and engineering constraints, without relying on Global Positioning System (GPS) hardware. With location data, customers can optimize business processes, simplify and automate maintenance efforts, and unlock […]

Managing Docker container lifecycle with AWS IoT Greengrass

Introduction In this post, we will be discussing how to manage Docker container lifecycle using an AWS IoT Greengrass custom component. There are five phases in a Docker container lifecycle: create, run, pause/unpause, stop, and kill. The custom component interacts with the Docker Engine via the Docker SDK for Python to manage processes based on […]