Tag: aws

Introducing the new AWS IoT Core Device Location feature to support Asset Tracking solutions

Introduction AWS IoT Core Device Location is a new managed feature of AWS IoT Core that enables customers to choose the appropriate location technology that works within their business and engineering constraints, without relying on Global Positioning System (GPS) hardware. With location data, customers can optimize business processes, simplify and automate maintenance efforts, and unlock […]

Managing Docker container lifecycle with AWS IoT Greengrass

Introduction In this post, we will be discussing how to manage Docker container lifecycle using an AWS IoT Greengrass custom component. There are five phases in a Docker container lifecycle: create, run, pause/unpause, stop, and kill. The custom component interacts with the Docker Engine via the Docker SDK for Python to manage processes based on […]

Monitor AWS IoT connections in near-real time using MQTT LWT

In a connected device, you may need to monitor devices in near-real time to detect error and mitigate actions, Last Will and Testament (LWT) method for MQTT addresses this challenge. LWT is a standard method of MQTT protocol specification that allows to detect abrupt disconnects of devices and to notify other clients about this abrupt […]

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