Tag: management

What’s the difference between CRM and ERP?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) are two of the most widely used business management software systems. Despite their similarities in terms of general purpose, these two systems have several distinguishing characteristics. To maximize efficiency and productivity, it is important to understand the differences between CRM and ERP. CRM is a software […]

Is SQL a CRM tool?

The answer to the question, “Is SQL a CRM Tool?” is no. SQL stands for Structured Query Language and is a programming language used for managing data held in a relational database management system. It can also be used to create and manipulate databases, create tables, and perform various other operations. However, it is not […]

Is CRM a high paying job?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a highly sought-after skill for business owners and professionals alike, but does it pay well? This article will provide a general overview of the potential salary range for CRM professionals and explain why it can be a great career choice. CRM requires a blend of technical and interpersonal abilities. Professionals […]

Is CRM a non technical skill?

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a vital element of any business, allowing companies to create and maintain relationships with their customers. But is CRM a technical ability? The response to this inquiry isn’t in every case clear. On one side, CRM requires a comprehension of customer behavior, which can include technical information of data examination […]

What is CRM vs database?

When it comes to data storage and management, there is a lot of confusion over the differences between a customer relationship management (CRM) system and a database. On the surface, they appear to do the same thing: store and manage large amounts of data. However, they are two very distinct tools that each offer unique […]

Managing Docker container lifecycle with AWS IoT Greengrass

Introduction In this post, we will be discussing how to manage Docker container lifecycle using an AWS IoT Greengrass custom component. There are five phases in a Docker container lifecycle: create, run, pause/unpause, stop, and kill. The custom component interacts with the Docker Engine via the Docker SDK for Python to manage processes based on […]

Connected Trackside: Delivering resilience and security

  Listen to a narration of the blog on YouTube.   I recently shared some key trends and challenges rail operators are navigating, as well as Cisco’s approach to strengthening and securing onboard network infrastructure in this blog series. For this post, let’s explore the building blocks of modern trackside networks. As rail operators invest […]

SWVL plans to lay off 32% of its team two months after going public

Egypt-born and Dubai-headquartered mobility startup SWVL is planning to lay off 32% of its workforce, it said in a statement today. The company’s LinkedIn profile shows it has over 1,330 employees. Letting go of over 30% of its workforce means that around 400 people will lose their job at the mobility company. Tech companies, private […]

Cut through the noise: find the best fit for your industrial wireless needs

Wireless technologies have evolved significantly over the years. Wireless solutions used to be limited to sensing less-than-critical applications and connecting user devices. Nowadays, wireless technologies are able to support bandwidth-intensive worker productivity applications, reliable mobility for critical assets, increased data collection from all areas of the plant, and applications that boost operational efficiencies and production […]