
Harnessing the power of IoT in manufacturing—4 critical components

Only 30%! That is how many companies are capturing value at scale from their Industry 4.0 investments, according to a McKinsey study and as described in a new joint report from Cisco and the analyst firm Industrial Transformation Network (IX Network), 4 Critical Components to Harnessing the Power of IoT in Manufacturing. Manufacturers around the […]

Lumos wants to build an app store for the enterprise

Lumos, a startup that wants to provide an end-to-end solution for enterprises to manage all of the SaaS apps their employees use, is coming out of stealth today. The company plans to take on the SaaS management market by combining security features like role-based access control that IT departments need with the self-service capabilities that […]

10 Steps To Get Your Product Adoption-Ready

Today, the software-as-a-service market is growing at an unprecedented rate, with plenty of solutions available to improve the customer experience. Most of these solutions promise numerous features and benefits, but only a few survive the market competition to reach true product adoption.   “I built a supernova product but never found any takers for it.” “I […]

Using Data in Marketing Is Complicated — This Platform Can Help

Deep in rural Wisconsin in 1962, there was a marketing organization that was decades ahead of its time. It operated a data processing center with an IBM 650 computer and a direct-mail program. It even had an early version of customer prediction, showing how often its audience responded to messages.  Their marketing response rate? A […]

Game-Changing Sales Influencers You Should Be Following in 2022

Sales people know that many of the best insights come from your peers. And social media is where some of the best sellers gather to push the community forward, sharing their challenges and successes along the way. To help you sift through the sea of talent, we curated a list of 16 sales influencers to […]

Trying To Identify a Corporate Purpose? You Don’t Have To Save the World

It’s easy to declare yourself a purpose-driven organization. It’s much harder, however, to identify just the right purpose, and to activate it throughout the organization so it naturally elevates your business strategy and operations.  Driven by stakeholder demands for companies to stand for more than profits, and a belief that businesses are more capable than […]

3 Ways Growing Businesses Prepare for Long-term Success

As a sales leader, I’ve had the privilege of speaking to a range of customers across segments and industries; I’ve seen firsthand the challenges these companies face, and helped them find solutions to connect their teams and data more efficiently for business growth. In my new role leading the small and medium business (SMB) segment […]

How to win your SWIFT challenge

We are living in a cloud era, with new tools, programming languages, and technologies evolving at a much higher speed than even just 2 years ago. Workers need to refresh and resharpen skills on a regular basis. Financial institutions must embrace these changes and be prepared for the technological shifts and the innovative features needed […]

Design Debt Happens: Here’s How You Can Learn From It

“Design debt represents all the design-related work that’s skipped, or deferred to a future date, in order to ship faster,” said Denise Burchell, senior director of design at Salesforce. The concept of design debt stems from tech debt. Both concepts are based on Ward Cunningham’s debt metaphor which is about being able to achieve a […]